Nominate the Legislator Who Did the Most in the 81st Session to Fleece the People of Texax

Important Dates for Texas 81st Legislative Session

By Martha Estes - May 26, 2009

Wednesday, May 27, 2009 (135th day)
Last day for house to consider local and consent senate bills on second reading or any senate bills or joint resolutions on third reading
[House Rule 8, Sec. 13(c)]

Last day for senate to consider any bills or joint resolutions on third reading
[Senate Rule 7.25]

Thursday, May 28, 2009 (136th day)
Midnight deadline for house to print and distribute senate amendments
[relates to House Rule 13, Sec. 5(a), requiring 24-hour layout of senate amendments prior to consideration]

Friday, May 29, 2009 (137th day)
Last day for house to consider senate amendments
[House Rule 8, Sec. 13(d)]

Midnight deadline for senate to print and distribute senate copies of conference committee reports on tax, general appropriations, and reapportionment bills
[relates to Senate Rule 12.09(a), requiring 48-hour layout of certain conference committee reports in regular session]

Last day for senate committees to report all bills
[relates to Senate Rule 7.24(b), but note that the 135th day (two days earlier) is the last day for third reading in the senate; practical deadline for senate committees is before the 135th day]

Saturday, May 30, 2009 (138th day)
Midnight deadline for house to print and distribute house copies of all conference committee reports
[relates to House Rule 13, Sec. 10(a), requiring 24-hour layout of all conference committee reports]

Midnight deadline for senate to print and distribute all conference committee reports on bills other than tax, general appropriations, and reapportionment bills and all house amendments to Senate bills that did not go to a conference committee
[relates to Senate Rule 12.09(b) and Senate Rule 7.21, requiring 24-hour layout of certain conference committee reports and house amendments to senate bills during the last 72 hours of a regular session]

NOTE: Date extended until midnight Sunday, May 31, 2009

Sunday, May 31, 2009 (139th day)
Last day for house to adopt conference committee reports
[House Rule 8, Sec. 13(e)]

Last day for senate to concur in house amendments or adopt conference committee reports
[relates to Senate Rule 7.25, limiting a vote on the passage of any bill during the last 24 hours of the session to correct an error in the bill]

Monday, June 1, 2009 (140th day)
Last day of 81st Regular Session; corrections only
in house and senate
[Sec. 24(b), Art. III, TexasConstitution]

Session Ends

Sunday, June 21, 2009 (20th day following final adjournment)
Last day governor can sign or veto bills passed during the
regular legislative session
[Sec. 14, Art. IV, Texas Constitution]

Monday, August 31, 2009 (91st day following final adjournment)
Date that bills without specific effective dates (that could not
be effective immediately) become law
[Sec. 39, Art. III, Texas Constitution]

Saturday, May 30, 2009

Paper is flying everywhere in the House and Senate as Conference Committees work to meet deadline

By Mike Ward - Saturday, May 30, 2009,
Read More in the Austin American Statesman

182 more conference committees

Lt. Gov. David Dewhurst just announced that the Texas Senate has received requests from the House for 182 conference committees to work out last-minute details on pending bills.

That’s correct, 182 — surely a record, since the Senate already had authorized more than four dozen by last night.

Before midnight tonight, all the conference committees must have their deals worked out on final language for bills, and have their report filed with the House.

Otherwise, bills die.

It’s going to be a busy afternoon — and evening.

In the Senate, Administration Committee Chairman Tommy Williams, R-The Woodlands, just suggested that senators remain at their desks throughout the afternoon to get the Senate’s paperwork on the conference committees approved and sent promptly back to the House.

Paper is flying everywhere, and the Senate just took the unusual step of allowing up to two staff members for each senator onto the floor to handle the rush of signing and sorting.

Conference Committee Named For Eminent Domain
On ANOTHER Front.. and this may be the new Eminent Domain Bill SB-18 turned Resolution with a RIDER attached for University Research Institutions

HJR 14 Corte et al. SP: Duncan in Conference Cmte.

HJR 14 Corte et al. SP: Duncan

Caption: Proposing a constitutional amendment to prohibit the taking of property for transfer to a private entity for certain purposes.
5-30 House refused to concur in Senate amendments and requested the appointment of a Conference Committee.
5-30 House conferees appointed: Corte, Chair; Bonnen, Hilderbran, Pena, Woolley.

HOUSE Conferees:
Frank Corte, Chair #122 Corte
512-463-0646 & Fax: 512) 463-0893

Dennis Bonnen #25 Bonnen
512-463-0564 & Fax: 512) 463-8414

Harvey Hilderbran #53 Hilderbran
512-463-0536 & Fax: 512) 463-1449

Aaron Pena #40 Peña Aaron.Peñ
512-463-0426 & Fax: 512) 463-0043

Beverly Woolley #136 Woolley
512-463-0696 & Fax: 512) 463-9333

SENATE Conferees:
Appointed (05/30/2009)

Duncan (Chair) Duncan, Robert
(512) 463-0128 & Fax: (512) 463-2424

Estes Estes, Craig (512) 463-0130 & Fax: (512) 463-8874

Hegar Glenn Hegar Glenn.Hegar@Senate.State.Tx.US
(512) 463-0118 & Fax: (512) 475-3736

Van de Putte Van de Putte, Leticia
(512) 463-0126 & Fax: (512) 463-2114

Whitmire Whitmire, John
512) 463-0115 & Fax: (713) 864-5287


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Bills Passed into Law by the 80th Legislature

Can be found through the links on the sidebar under "80th Texas Legislature (2007) - Bills Passed by Legislature".

The sidebar contains links for:
House Bills Passed and Signed into Law by Gov. Perry
Senate Bills Passed and Signed into Law by Gov. Perry
Bills Passed by Legislature and Passed into law WITHOUT Governor's Signature
Bills Passed by Legislature but vetoed by Gov. Perry
Line Item Veto exercised by Gov. Perry

Bill Becomes Law - Governor"s Action

Except in the case of a bill sent to the governor within 10 days of final adjournment, upon receiving a bill, the governor has 10 days in which to sign the bill, veto it, or allow it to become law without a signature.

If the governor elects to veto the bill and the legislature is still in session, the bill is returned to the chamber in which it originated with an explanation of the governor’s objections.

A two-thirds majority in each chamber is required to override the veto. If the governor neither vetoes nor signs the bill within the allotted time, the bill becomes a law.

When a bill is sent to the governor within 10 days of final adjournment, the governor has until 20 days after final adjournment to sign the bill, veto it, or allow it to become law without a signature. Read more about How a Bill Becomes Law